Partial differential equations

The Surfacefun package is capable of solving general variable-coefficient, second-order, linear, elliptic partial differential equations on open and closed surfaces. Consider such a PDE on a given surface \(\Gamma\),

\[\mathcal{L}_\Gamma u(\boldsymbol{x}) = f(\boldsymbol{x}), \qquad \boldsymbol{x} \in \Gamma,\]

where \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\) is an elliptic partial differential operator of the form

\[\mathcal{L}_\Gamma u(\boldsymbol{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^3 \sum_{j=1}^3 a_{ij}(\boldsymbol{x}) \, \partial_i^\Gamma \partial_j^\Gamma u(\boldsymbol{x}) + \sum_{i=1}^3 b_i(\boldsymbol{x}) \,\partial_i^\Gamma u(\boldsymbol{x}) + c(\boldsymbol{x}) u(\boldsymbol{x}),\]

with smooth coefficients \(a_{ij}\), \(b_i\), and \(c\). Here, we identify \(\partial_1^\Gamma\), \(\partial_2^\Gamma\), \(\partial_3^\Gamma\) with the Cartesian \(x\)-, \(y\)-, and \(z\)-components of the surface gradient, respectively. If \(\Gamma\) is not a closed surface, the PDE may also be subject to boundary conditions, e.g., \(u(\boldsymbol{x}) = g(\boldsymbol{x})\) for \(\boldsymbol{x} \in \partial\Gamma\) and some function \(g\).

Partial differential operators in Surfacefun are specified as MATLAB structs with properties defining the coefficients on each term appearing in \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\). The coefficients on the second-order terms are specified by setting pdo.dxx, pdo.dyy, pdo.dzz, pdo.dxy, pdo.dyx, pdo.dyz, pdo.dzy, pdo.dxz, and pdo.dzx. Coefficients on the first-order terms can be set via pdo.dx, pdo.dy, and The zeroth-order coefficient is specified via pdo.c. Each coefficient may be a constant, a function handle, or a surfacefun. For instance, the Laplace-Beltrami operator can be specified via

pdo = [];
pdo.dxx = 1;
pdo.dyy = 1;
pdo.dzz = 1;

or more simply as

pdo = [];
pdo.lap = 1;

This sets the coefficients on the terms \(\partial_x^\Gamma \partial_x^\Gamma\), \(\partial_y^\Gamma \partial_y^\Gamma\), and \(\partial_z^\Gamma \partial_z^\Gamma\) to one and the rest to zero.

Let’s solve a simple Laplace–Beltrami problem on the surface of the sphere. Since the spherical harmonics are eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the sphere, we can construct a test problem analytically:

% Make a sphere mesh
p = 16;
nref = 2;
dom = surfacemesh.sphere(p+1, nref);

% Construct the true solution and corresponding righthand side
l = 3; m = 2;
sol = spherefun.sphharm(l, m);
sol = surfacefun(@(x,y,z) sol(x,y,z), dom);
f = -l*(l+1)*sol;

% Specify the partial differential operator to be Laplace-Beltrami
pdo = [];
pdo.lap = 1;

To solve the PDE, we create a surfaceop. The surfaceop object encapsulates the factorization and solution routines corresponding to the fast direct solver in [1].

L = surfaceop(dom, pdo, f);

It turns out that the Laplace–Beltrami problem on a closed surface is rank deficient (by one). However, it is uniquely solvable under the mean-zero conditions

\[\int_\Gamma u = \int_\Gamma f = 0.\]

We can impose this condition by setting

L.rankdef = true;

Now we can solve the PDE:

u = L.solve();

Let’s check the error:

ans =


Surface PDEs on surfaces of arbitrary genus may be solved using surfaceop. For example, here is the solution to a variable-coefficient surface Helmholtz equation on a genus-1 stellarator geometry:

% Construct the stellarator geometry
p = 16; nu = 8; nv = 24;
dom = surfacemesh.stellarator(p+1, nu, nv);

% Variable-coefficient surface Helmholtz equation
pdo = [];
pdo.lap = 1;
pdo.c = @(x,y,z) 300*(1-z);

f = -1;
L = surfaceop(dom, pdo, f);
u = L.solve();
plot(u), colorbar

Now let’s solve a problem on an open surface. We’ll create an open surface by extracting a subset of the patches from a closed surface:

p = 16;
nref = 2;
dom = surfacemesh.blob(p+1, nref);
dom = surfacemesh(dom.x(1:16), dom.y(1:16), dom.z(1:16));
plot(dom), view(-110, 30), camlight

We construct a surfaceop on an open surface in the same way as on a closed surface, except now the L.solve() method requires Dirichlet boundary data to be passed as an argument:

% Specify the righthand side and Dirichlet boundary data
f = -1;
bc = 0;

pdo = [];
pdo.lap = 1;
L = surfaceop(dom, pdo, f);
u = L.solve(bc);

plot(u), view(-110, 30), colorbar

Modifying an existing surfaceop

A surfaceop is a direct solver for the specified surface PDE. This means that once a factorization of the problem is constructed, the factorization may be reused to solve the same PDE with different righthand sides and boundary data in a manner that is more efficient than creating a new surfaceop again and again.

To this end, a surfaceop may be factorized before it is given any data. This is performed implicitly when L.solve() is called, but may be performed explicitly by calling

L = surfaceop(dom, pdo);;

The surfaceop can now be given any righthand side and will efficiently update its factorization accordingly:

L.rhs = @(x,y,z) sin(x.*y);
u = L.solve(bc);
plot(u), view(-110, 30), colorbar

The surfaceop object is agnostic to boundary data. This means that an existing solver may be used with any Dirichlet boundary data by simply passing it to L.solve():

bc = @(x,y,z) z;
u = L.solve(bc);
plot(u), view(-110, 30), colorbar