
Before we can compute with functions and solve differential equations on surfaces, we have to define the surface itself. The surfacemesh class encapsulates the definition of the geometry.

A surfacemesh consists of a collection of high-order quadrilateral patches whose union define the geometry. We choose to represent all patches of the surface with respect to their embedding space—the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system \((x,y,z)\):


Derived quantities such as metric tensor information and Jacobian factors are automatically computed and abstracted away from the user.

Surface representation

Each patch of a surfacemesh is represented using a set of high-order nodes—specifically tensor-product Chebyshev nodes.


Let’s construct the set of tensor-product Chebyshev nodes in \([-1,1]^2\) and plot them:

n = 16;
[u, v] = chebpts2(n);
plot(u, v, 'ko', markerfacecolor='k')
axis equal off

Now let’s create a surface mesh with a single patch using these nodes. The constructor takes as input the coordinates of the nodes on each patch as a MATLAB cell array whose length is equal to the number of patches in the mesh:

x = u;
y = v;
z = cos(u).*cos(v);
dom = surfacemesh({x}, {y}, {z});
plot(dom), camlight

We can verify that the mesh has a single element by asking for the length of the mesh:

ans =


Now let’s make a surface consisting of a few elements arranged in a 4 x 4 grid and map them to the graph of a given function.

mx = 4;
my = 4;

x = cell(mx*my, 1);
y = cell(mx*my, 1);
z = cell(mx*my, 1);

% Create a random function to define the surface
f = 0.2*randnfun2;

k = 1;
for i = 1:mx
    for j = 1:my
        % Map the Chebyshev nodes to smaller squares inside [-1,1]^2
        % and evaluate the given function
        uk = (u+1)/mx + 2/mx*(i-1) - 1;
        vk = (v+1)/my + 2/my*(j-1) - 1;
        x{k} = uk;
        y{k} = f(uk,vk);
        z{k} = vk;
        k = k+1;

% Construct the surfacemesh
dom = surfacemesh(x, y, z);

plot(dom), camlight

The mesh now has multiple patches:

ans =


Built-in surfaces

The surfacemesh class provides a number of built-in surface generation tools for creating simple surfaces. We’ll start by creating a “cubed sphere” mesh, which consists of a cube mesh that has been inflated to live on the sphere:

% Create a sphere mesh of order p with two levels of refinement:
p = 16;
nref = 2;
dom = surfacemesh.sphere(p+1, nref);
plot(dom), camlight

We can deform this mesh in various ways. For instance, we can create a blob-like surface mesh by radially perturbed the nodes of the spherical mesh according to a random smooth function. This is encapsulated in the surfacemesh.blob routine:

% Create a blob mesh of order p with two levels of refinement:
dom = surfacemesh.blob(p+1, nref);
plot(dom), camlight

If we keep calling this function, we’ll generate new surfaces due to the randomness of the algorithm:

for k = 1:3
    dom = surfacemesh.blob(p+1, nref);
    figure, plot(dom), camlight

Surface meshes of any genus are supported. Here is a smoothly deformed torus:

p = 16; nu = 8; nv = 24;
dom = surfacemesh.torus(p+1, nu, nv);
plot(dom), camlight

The mesh does not even have to be smooth between patches…

p = 16; nu = 4; nv = 32;
dom = surfacemesh.twisted_torus(p+1, nu, nv);
plot(dom), camlight

…or even orientable!

p = 16; nu = 30; nv = 7;
dom = surfacemesh.mobius(p+1, nu, nv);
plot(dom), camlight

Importing an existing mesh

CAD packages such as Gmsh or Rhino can be used to create a high-order smooth quadrilateral mesh. Surfacefun supports importing meshes from these packages:

dom = surfacemesh.import('models/cow.csv', 'rhino');
view(180, -85)
camorbit(20, 0, 'data', 'y')
camorbit(10, 0, 'data', 'x')
camorbit(-3, 0, 'data', 'z')

Convenient surfacemesh routines

Visualizing a mesh

  • Only plot the wireframe of the surfacemesh, not the underlying surface:

    plot(dom, surface='off')
  • Make a mesh plot of the high-order nodes on each patch:


Querying a mesh

  • The number of patches in the surfacemesh:

    ans =
  • The polynomial order of each patch:

    ans =
  • The total number of degrees of freedom in the surfacemesh:

    ans =
  • The volume enclosed by a closed surfacemesh:

    volume(dom) - 4/3*pi
    ans =
  • The surface area of the surfacemesh:

    surfacearea(dom) - 4*pi
    ans =
  • The smallest box \([x_\text{min}, x_\text{max}] \times [y_\text{min}, y_\text{max}] \times [z_\text{min}, z_\text{max}]\) that contains the surfacemesh:

    ans =
        -1     1    -1     1    -1     1

Modifying a mesh

A mesh may modified by changing the polynomial degree used to represent each patch (“p-refinement”) or by the changing the number of patches (“h-refinement”).

  • Change the order of mesh by resampling to a new set of nodes. Let’s resample the mesh to use 3 nodes per patch:

    dom2 = resample(dom, 3);
  • Now refine the mesh by dividing each patch into four:

    dom3 = refine(dom2);