Time-dependent reaction–diffusion
Consider a nonlinear time-dependent PDE of the form
with \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\) a linear surface differential operator and \(\mathcal{N}\) a nonlinear, non-differential operator. Such PDEs appear as models for reaction–diffusion systems, where \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\) contains the diffusion terms and \(\mathcal{N}\) the reaction terms. As the timescales of diffusion and reaction are often orders of magnitude different, explicit timestepping schemes can suffer from a severe time step restriction. Implicit or semi-implicit timestepping schemes can alleviate stability issues, e.g., by treating the diffusion term \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\) implicitly.
Fix a time step \(\Delta t > 0\). Discretizing in time with a simple backward Euler scheme results in a steady-state PDE at each time step of the form
If the operator \(\mathcal{L}_\Gamma\) is time-independent, then a solver
for this PDE may be constructed once and reused at each time step with a
different righthand side. We’ll construct a surfaceop
which does just that.
Complex Ginzburg–Landau equation
The complex Ginzburg–Landau equation on a surface \(\Gamma\) is given by
where \(u = u(\boldsymbol{x}, t) \in \mathbb{C}\) and \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), and \(\delta\) are parameters.
% Set parameters
dt = 0.03;
tend = 60;
alpha = 0;
beta = 1.5;
delta = 5e-4;
% Define nonlinear operator
N = @(u) u - (1+beta*1i)*u.*(abs(u).^2);
% Import the cow mesh
dom = surfacemesh.import('models/cow.csv', 'rhino');
% Construct linear solver
pdo = struct('lap', -dt*delta*(1+alpha*1i), 'c', 1);
L = surfaceop(dom, pdo);
% Initial conditions
f = randnfun3(0.2, boundingbox(dom));
u = surfacefun(@(x,y,z) f(x,y,z), dom);
% Simulate
t = 0;
kend = floor(tend/dt);
for k = 1:kend
L.rhs = u + dt*N(u);
u = L.solve();
t = t + dt;
if ( mod(k, 10) == 0 )
fprintf('k = %d\n', k);
clf, plot(real(u)), drawnow
Snapshots of the simulation at \(t=0\), \(t=6\), and \(t=60\) are shown below.
Turing system
Consider the two-species reaction–diffusion system on a surface \(\Gamma\) given by,
Solutions \(u\) and \(v\) to this system can exhibit Turing patterns—namely, spots and stripes—depending on the choice of parameters \(\delta_u\), \(\delta_v\), \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), \(\gamma\), \(\tau_1\), and \(\tau_2\).
% Set parameters
dt = 0.1;
tend = 200;
delta_v = 1e-3;
delta_u = 0.516*delta_v;
alpha = 0.899;
beta = -0.91;
gamma = -0.899;
tau1 = 0.02;
tau2 = 0.2;
% Define nonlinear operators
Nu = @(u,v) alpha*u.*(1-tau1*v.^2) + v.*(1-tau2*u);
Nv = @(u,v) beta*v.*(1+alpha/beta*tau1*u.*v) + u.*(gamma+tau2*v);
% Import the cow mesh
dom = surfacemesh.import('models/cow.csv', 'rhino');
% Construct linear solvers
pdo = struct('lap', -dt*delta_u, 'b', 1);
Lu = surfaceop(dom, pdo);
pdo = struct('lap', -dt*delta_v, 'b', 1);
Lv = surfaceop(dom, pdo);
% Initial conditions
bb = boundingbox(dom);
f = randnfun3(0.2, bb);
u = surfacefun(@(x,y,z) f(x,y,z), dom);
f = randnfun3(0.2, bb);
v = surfacefun(@(x,y,z) f(x,y,z), dom);
% Simulate
t = 0;
kend = floor(tend/dt);
for k = 1:kend
Lu.rhs = u + dt*Nu(u,v);
Lv.rhs = v + dt*Nv(u,v);
u = Lu.solve();
v = Lv.solve();
t = t + dt;
if ( mod(k, 100) == 0 )
fprintf('k = %d\n', k);
clf, plot(u), drawnow
Snapshots of the simulation at \(t=0\), \(t=20\), and \(t=200\) are shown below.